Home » Blog » Indian Telecom Stems Employee Churn as Attrition Rates Recede: TeamLease Data

Indian Telecom Stems Employee Churn as Attrition Rates Recede: TeamLease Data

Mumbai, 30th May 2024: The Indian telecom industry witnessed a slowdown in overall workforce growth, even as demand for entry-level customer-facing (Sales, Support and Service) and technology roles remained positive, according to the latest data from TeamLease Services (NSE: TEAMLEASE).

While the industry’s associate workforce expanded by an impressive 51.05% in FY21-22, this growth moderated to 31.41% in FY23-24. However, telecom companies continued to actively hire field sales executives, customer relationship executives, retail executives, installation engineers, fibre repair executives, and cell site repair staff during this period.


“Our data reveals a dichotomy in the telecom sector’s workforce trends,” said Kartik Narayan, CEO-Staffing of TeamLease Services. “While the overall employee growth rate tapered, we witnessed a demand for young talent in customer-facing and technology roles that support the industry’s field operations and network infrastructure.”

The findings highlight the telecom workforce’s young demographics, with 56.8% in the age group of 18-29 years. This youthful employee base aligns with the industry’s frontline service delivery and tech deployment requirements.

Notably, the sector’s attrition rate declined from a peak of 58.4% in FY22-23 to 43.4% in FY23-24, this can be partially attributed to the slowed growth in the workforce size

“While the slowdown in overall growth is notable, we are encouraged by improving attrition rates and sustained entry-level hiring traction,” said Subburathinam P, Chief Strategy Officer at TeamLease Services. “Our insights underscore telecom’s strong appeal among young job seekers and the industry’s efforts to attract this digital-savvy talent through competitive compensation.”

TeamLease’s data provides a comprehensive view into the evolving workforce dynamics of India’s telecom sector as it navigates a transitional phase marked by moderate growth but rising demand for specialized customer-facing roles and technology professionals.

Data Insights

  FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24
Associate Growth (YoY) 51.05% 44.79% 31.41%
Attrition Rate 50.8% 58.4% 43.4%
Average Salary (INR) 24,609 24,630 25,475

% of Associates in Age Group                                                18-25 yr 26-29 yr 30-35 yr 36-40 yr 40+ yr
28.3% 28.5% 27.5% 9% 6.8%

% of Associates by Education Qualification                                      10th 12th Graduate Post Graduate
5.7% 30.9% 61.7% 1.8%

% of Associates in Work Tenure Group                                     0-1 yr 1-2 yr 2-3 yr 3-4 yr 4+ yr
72.2% 15.7% 5.0% 2.5% 4.6%

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