COVID Help Desk set up at TIMS
Hyderabad, May 2021: Telangana Institute of Medical Sciences (TIMS), has got a COVID Help desk that will assist the hospital administration in streamlining & improving patient care, admissions, and follow-ups on patient’s health.
The COVID help desk has been set up by city NGO, Helping Hand Foundation & Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI) & is fully sponsored by Azim Premji Foundation.
HHF has been running Help desk services in the rest of the government COVID centers in the city like Gandhi, OGH, King Koti & Chest Hospital.
A team of 5 counselors will be placed at the disposal of the hospital, two volunteers will be at the entry TRIAGE to check for reports of patients and will facilitate on admissions, another TRIAGE within the hospital will keep track of patient’s health and will facilitate movement of essential items to patients admitted in the hospital.
The other 2 counselors will be getting a list from the hospital of all the IP cases and they will inform family /attenders of the patients admitted to updating on the patient’s condition and is health status.
For the first time in any government COVID hospital, the counselors will also offer counseling services to the deceased patients’ attendees and help them with the process an area considered most sensitive and important from the patient’s family perspective.
Our aim is to improve patient care and services for COVID patients and we are glad the voluntary organizations are coming forward to coordinate our efforts said Dr. Ehsan Ahmed Khan.
With our help desk across all city COVID government centers the intrahospital availability of beds and movement of patients is being seamlessly being streamlined and we are able to assist hospital administration in improving patient care said Mr. Mujtaba Hasan Askari of Helping Hand Foundation.
HHF has deployed 25 Volunteers across 5 Government COVID nodal centers in the 2nd wave of the pandemic.