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Commemorating Earth Day together to spread the message -Tumba Green Festival 2023

Tumba Green Festival

Tumba Green Festival

Bengaluru April 22, 2023: Don’t be Mean & Let’s Breathe Green on this Earth Day-2023.With this thought in mind, the morning at The Green School Bangalore (TGSB) & The Bangalore School (TBS) reverberated with excitement and enthusiasm as their students prepared to celebrate Earth Day by creating awareness about the environment.

“We can solve the world’s greatest threat at this point in time i.e.Climate change by collaborating and working together.” Said Usha Iyer-Founder & Director of TGSB & TBS. At the same time, we must all be aware that we have a very limited amount of time, which is the theme of Earth Day 2023- “Invest in our planet now.” The great visionary and founder chairman of The Green School Bangalore, Usha Iyer, reiterated that we have plenty of opportunities to correct our past actions and prepare a better environment for the future generation.

The Green School Bangalore is the only zero-energy, zero-carbon, and zero-waste school designed from the most organic materials available to promote global sustainability in every way and has adopted the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 2030. As part of its mission, TGSB designs a learning experience that will prepare students to lead the world toward a healthier, cleaner, and more sustainable future.
Throughout the day, local vendors sold and promoted the idea of growing locally. During Tumba Green Festival season-01, there were over 200 participants for the Green Walkathon, which caters to a wide age range starting from 4 years of age to 50 years of age and above. The event was supported by WEN India (NGO) as our community outreach partner along with Manipal Hospital -Life’s On as our health partner.

Students and teachers demonstrated projects and activities as part of the TGSB’s green curriculum that showed how to lessen our everyday carbon footprints. “One Earth and One Life” was the message that touched everyone’s heart. Additionally, money was raised for WEN India’s “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao” campaign.

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