Launch of Androlife – Exclusive Men’s Fertility Clinics by Oasis Fertility

(L-R) Dr Krishna Chaithanya, Scientific Head & Clinical Embryologist, Oasis Fertility & Dr Kavya Rao, Clinical Head and Fertility Specialist, Oasis Fertility, Warangal; launching the exclusive Men’s Fertility Clinic – Androlife from Oasis Fertility, today at Warangal.

Warangal: “Androlife is our dedicated clinic for male infertility in Warangal, through which we give special focus to male reproductive health and fertility issues. Our passion for academic research has helped us optimize several techniques used in treating male infertility.
First of its kind a male fertility clinic launch in Warangal, to address a major prevailing issue of men’s infertility, as unable to conceive is no longer just a women’s problem.
Reasons – Low sperm count, deficiency of mature sperm due to factors like Diabetes, Blood pressure, Heart problems, Obesity, Physical damage and Hormonal Imbalance and Erectile Dysfunction. Androlife offer unmatched expertise and technology to treat a host of male infertility conditions.
“When it comes to IVF treatment, we select only the best embryos for implantation and this is possible because of PGT and EWS (Electronic Witnessing System), the hi-tech technology we have in place that rules out any mismatch and amplifies success rates” says Dr. Krishna Chaitanya Mantravadi, Scientific Head and Clinical Embryologist, Oasis Fertility. Warangal has a higher rate of male infertility than even Hyderabad, out of every ten patients we see here as many as eight patients have problems of low sperm count or other male fertility related problems. Infact four out of these eight patients suffer from absence of sperms. We spoke to the Government about this region having the unique problem, suggested demographic studies to find out the reasons for men in this region suffering from sperm production problems. From our side to address this region specific problem we are setting up a dedicated male infertility related clinic, Androlife Clinic. Oasis Fertilty’s Androlife Clinic is functional in Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune, Ranchi, Baroda for the last 3 years and today its being launched in Warangal. We offer all the latest treatments at Androlife. In the past when the man suffered from zero sperm production problem known as Azoospermia, child adoption or seeking donor sperms were the only options, both were despised by most couple. Now we have advanced surgical techniques like testical sperm aspiration, wherein a biopsy of the testicles is done with a minute needle and cells are obtained, this can help to have a normal pregnancy. Within this there is a microsurgery, which is done only in select centers in major cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad etc. Now it is being offered by Oasis Fertility at Warangal. Dr. Raghuveer Karne, who specilaises and is trained abroad in this technique will offer the services. Till now we have done eighteen Microscopic Testical Biopsy surgeries in Warangal, these procedures are done rarely even in Hyderabad, but done so many in Warangal. Now Warangal has the facility to offer services which can enable a man to have a child from his sperm with his own DNA, no more will the couples need to source donor sperms for bearing children.
The rate of infertility has increased drastically in India. Delaying childbearing, lifestyle changes, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, and use of gadgets have become the major reasons for fertility issues that occur in both men and women. Though people face problems in conceiving even after 1 or 2 years, they don’t seek medical intervention due to the lack of awareness about advanced fertility treatments. Some feel they are destined to be childless. But there are several possibilities by which a couple can conceive a child.
Oasis has launched the Androlife clinic in Warangal to address male related infertility problems, men needing support can avail the facility, infertility is not a female related problem, it impacts both women and men equally, infact the male related infertility is on the rise. Oasis in Warangal has completed four years, during this period we did 900 IVF cycles, over 600 IUI cycles and over 100 testicular sperm aspiration techniques. Oasis Fertility is the only Center in Warangal equipped to performing advanced infertility procedures. We helped many couples here in Warangal in the recent past to achieve their parenthood dream through IVF treatment. This proves that through technology, dedication, and perseverance, couples can have children. “This is an overwhelming experience for us as we are able to bring happiness and peace to several childless couples through our focused and customized fertility treatments”, said Dr. Jalagam Kavya Rao, Clinical Head and Fertility Specialist, Oasis Fertility, Warangal.