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How to Build a Successful Arts and Crafts Business from Home

art and craft business

Millions of people have a creative side to their personalities and love to make handmade items. These can range from making pieces of art that are proudly displayed in their homes to creating bespoke furniture that is both tasteful and unique. If you have such talents, you may be able to use these skills to set up a viable small business from the comfort of your own home. This can be an excellent source of second income or even a way to keep occupied and generate extra money during your retirement. Setting up an arts and crafts business in 2023 is something that can be both satisfying and financially rewarding. In this article, some key points will be explored that can help you to set up a successful arts and crafts business venture.

Find your niche

Firstly, it is important to find a niche in the arts and crafts market that you can move into. Ideally, this will reflect your skills and knowledge in this field and there will be suitable demand for your products. Consider that on craft sites such as Etsy.com, there are approximately 2.1 million individual sellers who promote their products on the website. This creates a significant amount of competition in the arts and crafts sector and can mean that certain products may not sell for premium prices. Take a thorough look at online crafting sites that host the crafting products of artists and designers. See if there is a wide range of similar products to those that you plan to make and sell. Ideally, your products will be suitably differentiated from the competition in terms of design, materials, price, and quality.

Shipping considerations

If you plan to sell heavy or bulky craft items (such as home furnishings) for your business, it is important to have the means to deliver these items to your customers. Shipping firms such as Shiply may be the ideal choice in these circumstances. These companies specialize in moving a wide range of items and you can hire only part of the shipping vehicle for smaller orders. This can help to keep delivery costs low as other deliveries will be made with the vehicle as it travels to your customer. In addition, you can take advantage of pallet shipping services to transport larger products. This allows you to pack the item securely and is ideal if you plan to move high-value items that may be liable to be damaged in transit by other shipping methods. 

Dedicated selling websites or your own site?

Another important consideration is whether you will sell at dedicated arts and crafts sites that host individual sellers’ products or create your own bespoke arts and crafts site. When making this decision, a lot depends on your level of tech and IT knowledge. Put simply, if you are adept at website design, confident with coding, and know how to incorporate website plugins that can facilitate secure payment methods, you may choose to create your own site. However, you will need to build traffic to your site by adopting SEO best practices and ensuring that your site is responsive and accessible on multiple tech devices. For non-IT specialists and those wishing to promote on a dedicated crafting site with millions of visitors, a hosting site such as Etsty.com is a far better option.

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