Digitisation paves the way for Smart City, Population and Public Health Projects

By Ms. Ashvini Danigond, Executive Director & CEO, Manorama Infosolutions
Digitisation of healthcare remains critical in India. There is considerable scope for the introduction of new tools, models and technologies to augment growth in the sector.
If numbers are anything to go by, India still ranks 154th out of 195 countries in terms of quality and accessibility of healthcare, according to a recent Lancet study.
The pandemic has been an eye-opener, which has brought to the forefront the shortage in medical staff and infrastructure in India. India had one medical doctor for every 1,404 people and 1.7 nurses per 1,000 people, lower than the World Health Organisation (WHO)recommended for 1 medical doctor and 3 nurses for 1,000 people.
There are, however, companies like Manorama Infosolutions Pvt Ltd (MIPL) that are leading a silent revolution of sorts through the introduction of smart technologies and digital solutions for projects related to Smart City, Population and Public health, Pandemic Management and Telehealth. The company holds the potential to adopt a multifaceted approach towards providing solutions at district, enterprise and country levels.
Moreover, MIPL has successfully executed large projects nationally as well as internationally. The company extends its expertise at various layers (from standalone to enterprise healthcare solutions). MIPL provides healthcare digital transformation solutions for primary, secondary, tertiary and specialty healthcare providers. They also have healthcare solutions which can be consumed by and used by patients themselves like patient portal as a part of care journey with the provider who have adopted solutions from the company.
“We realised that digitisation is taking faster adoption in the healthcare space and Smart Cities, Population and Public health are our key focus areas. We have been awarded public health projects in few countries internationally. We have built innovative solutions for pandemic management while which are being used by various hospitals, civic bodies and administrative bodies such as Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), Kolhapur district administration in Maharashtra and Wockhardt-Rajkot in Gujarat,” says Ms. Ashvini Danigond, Founder and CEO, MIPL.
With close to two decades of experience in the digital healthcare domain, the company has introduced various innovative solutions such as Lifeline Communicable Disease Management Suite (CDMS), which can be implemented to manage a pandemic situation for communicable diseases like Covid-19. The solution has greatly helped various governmental, administrative and civic bodies and city health authorities through the pandemic, facilitating the screening and management of Covid-19 and enabling patients to remotely connect with doctors and have their diagnosis done. For instance, MIPL has successfully implemented the Communicable Disease Management Solution, which is embedded with Telemedicine capabilities for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) facilitating the management and treatment of Covid-19 cases. Similarly, the company has facilitated the setting up of a war-room for Covid management in real-time for the government authority of Kolhapur district in Maharashtra.
In addition, MIPL’s digital healthcare solutions are selected for three Smart City projects in India, which include Dahod and Vadodara in Gujarat and Bhubaneswar in Odisha that are using the Lifeline Smart City Suite of Solutions. For example, in Vadodara Smart City, 250-plus health workers (ANM and ASHA) are using the public health app in 34 urban primary healthcare (PHC), which are integrated with multiple external health systems. It offers inbuilt disease surveillance and immunization management control. Similarly, in Dahod Smart City, MIPL has initiated Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and telemedicine under Integrated Command and Control Centre and Smart Solutions.
Interestingly, the company is also working with large & connected Healthcare echo systems networks, which include organisations such as Coal India Limited (CIL) and Steel Authority of India (SAIL), where it has implementing the digital healthcare transformation solutions including Enterprise HIMS and more.
Better patient care through the implementation of various information technology solutions is the need of the hour, MIPL is making all the difference in this regard.