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County Executive Dr. Sam Page Tours St. Louis Area Diaper Bank

St. Louis County Executive Sam Page at the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank

St. Louis representative visits nonprofit’s facilities to learn more about the area’s growing diaper need

(St. Louis, Mo., July 12, 2021) — The St. Louis Area Diaper Bank recently welcomed St. Louis County Executive Dr. Sam Page to its 6141 Etzel Ave. headquarters. St. Louis Area Diaper Bank Executive Director Muriel Smith gave Dr. Page a tour of the Diaper Bank where he learned about the nonprofit’s history, as well as how it assists the community with both emergency and long-term diaper distribution. Dr. Page shared how St. Louis County can assist the organization with diaper allocation partnerships and financial assistance through the County’s grant programs.

Dr. Page met members from the National Charity League (NCL) who volunteer in the Diaper Bank’s warehouse every Thursday afternoon. NCL is a philanthropic organization of mothers and daughters who volunteer nearly three million hours annually to more than 6,000 charities in the U.S.

St. Louis County Executive Sam Page

The St. Louis Area Diaper Bank collects, stores, and distributes 250,000 free diapers per month to struggling families through a network of 56 community, nonprofit, educational, and health care partners serving low-income women and children. These diapers are obtained via local diaper drives, in-kind donations, and by purchasing diapers directly with donated funds. To date, more than 5.1 million diapers have been distributed in St. Louis including nearly 900,000 diapers during the height of the pandemic.

“We were honored to have Dr. Page tour our headquarters and learn more about our mission to help families in need,” said St. Louis Area Diaper Bank Executive Director Muriel Smith. “We discussed many opportunities – from focusing on reaching potential partners to discovering possible funding streams – to assist our organization during the summertime and beyond.”

Founded in 2014, the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank provides diaper access to the region’s low-income families, as well as raises community awareness about the causes and consequences of diaper need. The nonprofit is a member of the National Diaper Bank Network, a nationwide nonprofit dedicated to eliminating diaper need in America. For information, call (314) 624-0888 or visit their website.

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