Celebrate the festival of Colours with healthy products from Forever Living Products (India) Hashtag Holiwithflpindia
Holi is almost here and we cannot wait to play Rang Barse on repeat. But here’s one gentle reminder to incorporate a good detox plan to reverse the side effects of binge eating. The campaign #Holiwithflpindia is all about celebrating a safe and healthy festival of colors. Keeping in essence the festival i.e. togetherness, a leading Aloe-based Conglomerate has launched a series of products for the festival.
While the Product range comprises Aloe Vera Mocktails, Active Pro B, Aloe Vera Gelly, and Aloe Propolis Cream, FLP India is all set to take care of you and your loved one. One can have perfect Mocktails during the festival which comprises Iced Coffee Shake, Sweet and Nutty Shake, Cherry Ginger Zinzer, chokeberry, and many more.
“We all need a good detox plan to reverse the side effects of binge eating. One can have an upset stomach because of over-indulgence to an allergic reaction. To keep you and your family safe, Forever Living Products (India) have innumerable products to take care of your gut health “Said Mr. Harish Singla CSM Forever Living Products (India).
The most important product to calm down your skin is Aloe Vera gelly, to strengthen your gut health is Forever Active Pro B and to cleanse your system are Aloe Vera Gels in various flavors. What are you waiting for play an Aloe safe Holi!