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Is Your Switchboard Costing You More Money Than It Should?

Is Your Switchboard Costing You More Money Than It Should? Here are 4 Things to Look for in a Smart Switchboard

Is Your Switchboard Costing You More Money Than It Should? Here are 4 Things to Look for in a Smart Switchboard 

Everyone is trying to save as much money as they can and cutting costs throughout their business, but are they looking in the right places? 

John Janik, CEO of Electric Power Design, shares his insight into why upgrading to a smart switchboard is a smart investment that pays for itself. 

Energy Efficiency is Critical For Saving Money

“Traditional switchboards lack monitoring capabilities, leaving you in the dark about energy usage. With smart switchboards, you gain insight into consumption patterns, allowing for targeted adjustments to reduce waste and lower costs. This real-time data empowers businesses to make informed decisions and trim unnecessary expenses,” says John.

Maintenance and Repairs Can Be a Headache

“When switchboards fail, downtime follows, disrupting operations and costing money. However, with smart switchboards’ predictive maintenance technology, potential issues are detected before they escalate, allowing for proactive solutions. Addressing problems proactively allows businesses to avoid costly shutdowns and maintain productivity at all times”, advises John.

Safety is Top Priority

“Outdated switchboards pose significant risks, from electrical fires to electrocution. Upgrading to a smart switchboard ensures compliance with current safety standards, safeguarding personnel and property. Ignoring safety concerns can lead to catastrophic consequences, both financially and ethically,” comments John.

Compliance & Legal Issues 

“Depending on age, your switchboard may not meet current regulations, exposing you to potential fines and litigation. Smart switchboards are designed with compliance in mind, mitigating legal risks and avoiding financial penalties. Investing in a compliant switchboard today can save you from costly legal battles tomorrow,” suggests John.

Making the switch to a smart switchboard can save you headaches and money. Consider speaking with a professional to see what your options are and how to optimize your switchboard to make sure you are getting the most for your money.

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