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GO FIRST Consolidates Its Market Position with Strong Growth in Market Share

Go First


Hyderabad: GO FIRST (formerly known as GoAir) registered growth in market share from 8.2% to 9.8% in the month of October 2021 as per the figures declared by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The airline also registered a high seat load factor at 75.4% in October 2021, demonstrating continuous growth month on month.

The airline had zero canceled flights and no passenger complaints in October 2021. This speaks volumes about the carrier’s operational efficiency and commitment to optimum customer service.

Mr. Kaushik Khona, Chief Executive Officer, GO FIRST, said, “We believe we have consistently performed well and that is reflected in our increased market share The. October results show that we can now look ahead optimistically to more opportunities and growth. Our customers have reiterated their faith in us. Zero cancellation and passenger complaints bear testimony to our relentless efforts to provide exceptional service.”

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