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Dynamic Customs Duties needed for Soyabean Seed and Edible Oil Imports. Livelihood of Poultry Farmers at Big Risk.

Soyabean Seed and Edible Oil Imports.

In India, soybean prices have moved more than 100% in this kharif season. From Rs. 36,420 per ton to over Rs. 81,000 per ton. Whereas the prices in the international market are just half of the Indian soybean and soymeal prices. It means that the cost of production for the small poultry farmer has jumped to Rs 125 to Rs 135 now.

This is unsustainable because this price escalation is killing small farmers due to reduced demand and very high risk. Most of the farmers are not placing new chicks in the farms. The major negative impact will be on maize and soybean prices in the coming harvesting season for maize and soybean farmers. An equilibrium in price and demand growth is essential to ensure the welfare of all.

On behalf of the Poultry, Fish and shrimp sector, Sh. Bahadur Ali, Chairman of All India Poultry Breeders Association (AIPBA) raised the issue with policymakers. Along with various suggestions given by Chairman, AIPBA, in a video conference meeting with government officials, he said, “Urgent intervention is required to save the livelihood of small poultry and aquaculture farmers. The survival of livestock farmers in turn will save the livelihood of many other small maize, coarse cereal and other grains farmers dependent on the livestock sector for their livelihood”

“Without affordable feed for livestock, doubling of farmers’ income is not possible. Any decision will take at least 4 weeks to show impact on the ground, so any delay in decision making will make the situation more complex for small livestock farmers. We hope the government will take suitable decisions to cool down the prices.” He affirmed.

Due to rise in the prices of soya oil in domestic as well as international markets, the farmers are leaning towards soybean crop this time. But this would be a long drawn process because as of now India is highly dependent on imports of edible oils, and high demand in international market has rocked the prices of soya seeds.

Mr. Bahadur Ali, Chairman of All India Poultry Breeders Association (AIPBA) suggests India should move towards a dynamic customs duties regime with the monthly review, as safeguard measures against uneven global markets for essential commodities,that will stabilise the prices in an acceptable range in domestic markets irrespective of international prices.

Moreover, In line with the order of the pulse of 15 May 2021, he requests government to ask the State governments of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan which produces 98% of soybean in India, to use the Essential commodity order and make all warehouse owners declare stocks with available them while ensuring weekly updates from the state.

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