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An initiative to improve the future of underprivileged children

An initiative to improve the future of underprivileged children

Indore, 11th November 2022: In this hustling life, where it is very difficult to find time for oneself, there are still people out there who are constantly making efforts to improve the lives of others. A special event is being organized under the initiative of the Indore Majestic Round Table 297 organization under the banner of PalakPalkesh Education and Welfare Society. With the aim to bring a smile to the face of underprivileged children, a comedy show will be organized on 13th November 2022 at LabhMandapam, Race Course Road, Indore. Moreover, well-known comedian Akash Gupta will attend the event and enthrall everyone with his comedy. Interestingly, the money received from the event will be used to build schools for underprivileged children and maternity wards in government hospitals.

The event is being organized in association with VikasBehani and Hitesh Thakur, with New Race Course Group as Presenting Sponsor, Alliance Vacations as the Title Sponsor, Powered by Sponsor Association of Indore Realty Experts, and Ananta Group Shirdi and Ranveer Realty Indore as Gold Sponsors. This event is being organized under the leadership of VikasBehani, Chairman 297, AnkeshGoyal, Director New Race Course Group, GajendraNarang, President Association of Indore Realty Experts, VarshaPandey, Director Alliance Vacation and Hitesh Thakur, Chairman Association of Indore Realty Experts and Director Ranveer Realty.

Passionate to do something better for society, VikasBehani, Chairman of Majestic Round Table 297, and AnkeshGoyal, Director of New Race Course Group says, “All the members in our group are young entrepreneurs who take time out of their professional schedules to do something for these small kids. The purpose of organizing this event is not only to help disadvantaged children but also to inspire other young professionals to join this initiative. I want to thank all the sponsors for believing in us. This is our second event in Indore, and we hope that with the cooperation of everyone, we will be able to increase this number continuously.”

Notably, Palak and PalkeshAgrawal were among the chief members of the organization, who died in an accident. This event is a tribute to both members. In the past, the organization has conducted many activities to bring joy to many children. These include feeding the hungry and distributing essential items to the needy, such as umbrella distribution during the rainy season, clothes donation, and other similar activities. Along with this, the organization took 300 poor children to watch a movie two months ago. Many other activities were also organized in the meantime to give the children a reason to smile.

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